students studying in ace

Academic Center for Excellence

The ACE offers several services to enhance student success. Tutors are available for several courses by appointment; however, walk-ins are welcome.  Distance tutoring through video chat is available at the KC Education Centers.  The ACE proctors testing (as allowed by your instructor) for make-up exams and proctored online exams.  Testing accommodations are available to students who receive DSS (Disability Services).  ACE staff can assist students with making connections to services to meet personal and academic issues.  The KC Library, housed in the ACE, provides access to over 17,000 books and a variety of periodicals in support of student research efforts.  It also provides computers and quiet study areas as well as access to information housed in over 500 other libraries.


Contact Us


Phone  |  618-545-3160

Fax  |  618-545-3179

Location  |  Main Campus

Office  |  Library, L 130

Library Hours

  • Monday: 8am – 5pm*
  • Tuesday: 8am – 5pm*
  • Wednesday: 8am – 5pm*
  • Thursday: 8am – 5pm*
  • Friday: 8am - 4pm*

Outside of the listed staff hours above, if campus is open, the ACE Library is open for studying; no staff will be present to provide assistance, but you may use the computers and space for studying.

*The Testing Center closes two hours prior to the ACE to accommodate the length of tests.

Students are able to use the kiosks within the ACE to log study table hours and other activity outside of normal hours. Please see the ACE staff for instructions. 

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