Title III

Building A Bridge to Academic Success and Beyond

What is Title III?

"The Title III Part A - Strengthening Institutions program helps eligible Institutions of Higher Education to become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of eligible institutions."  (34 CFR 607.1)


In 2020, Kaskaskia College was awarded a $2.2 million grant made up of one main program called, "Building a Bridge to Academic Success and Beyond."  The overall goal is to 1) expand academic access through the revision of online core curriculum courses; 2) develop two new hybrid degree programs in Manufacturing and Nursing; 3) convert an existing Industrial Technology program to hybrid delivery; and 4) improve students' success by developing online tutoring and advising services.

Three Main Components

Component 1

Revision of 32 core curriculum courses to reflect best practices for online delivery. Faculty revising these courses will be trained in the Quality Matters guidelines and receive assistance from the Title III Instructional Designer in a newly renovated Faculty Resource Center.  In addition, online faculty and student orientation courses will be developed.

Component 2

Student support through online advising and tutoring services.  An online tutoring system will be developed utilizing Tutor.com and real-time session with KC's online peer tutors using Zoom Rooms.  A new Target X recruitment and retention software will connect to the college's Ellucian Student Planning module to assist in identifying and connecting students to online tutoring services.

Component 3

The existing Industrial Technology program will be revised to address up-to-date industry standards with access to the latest technology in the field, as well as converted to hybrid delivery.  A new high-demand hybrid Manufacturing Certificate and Associate of Applied Science program will be developed.  Courses required to provide a hybrid LPN to RN Nursing Bridge program, resulting in an Associate's Degree in Nursing, will be developed.

Grant Activity

Title III Year 1 Report

Title III Year 2 Report

Title III Year 3 Report


U.S. Department of Education  

Contact Us

Kali Michael

Phone  |  618-545-3134

  • Main Campus
  • Library, L 139

Rachel Hartmann

Phone  |  618-545-3133

  • Main Campus
  • Library, L 130

Madeleine Renken

Phone  |  618-545-3061

  • Main Campus
  • Library, L 148
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