Engineering Graphics and CAD

Course Overview

Course Code: ENGR-103

Department: Engineering

Credit Hours: 3.00

Illinois Articulation Initiative Number: IAI EGR 941

Textbook Information: Bookstore website

This course is an introduction to engineering design and graphics, including design problems, sketching, dimensioning, tolerancing, multi-view orthographic representations, auxiliary views, section views, and working drawings. Students are required to use CAD in this course. Sketching and CAD techniques should be integrated in this course to achieve the outcomes.

Course Schedule


Term: Fall 2024

Section Name: ENGR-103-HY01D

Location: Main Campus

Available Seats: 5

Faculty Name: R. Jervis

Min Credits: 3.00


Term: Spring 2025

Section Name: ENGR-103-HY01D

Location: Main Campus

Available Seats: 21

Faculty Name: R. Jervis

Min Credits: 3.00


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